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Serbia: 95 pct of industry standards aligned with EU

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Serbian Economy Minister Zeljko Sertic said Thurday that 95 percent of Serbia’s industry standards had been aligned with respective European rules.

Speaking at the fifth Reality Check Conference, organized by the Foreign Investors’ Council in Belgrade, Sertic said that by July 1, the Serbian government would find solutions for 338 firms under the control of the Privatization Agency, while the remaining 188 would unfortunately have to go through “some kind of serious change.”

Sertic said that one part of the 188 enterprises would find their buyers through bankruptcy proceedings, and the government would try to come up with a solution for some of the companies through agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

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The Serbian economy minister said that more than 3,000 enterprises had been privatized since 2000 to date, and 526, most of which were merely shells without any market potential, remained.

Source; in Serbia

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