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Spring planting in Serbia completed

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Spring planting in Serbia is finished and first estimates show that corn has been sown on 1.1 million hectares, Director of the Association Serbia Grains Vukosav Sakovic said on Monday.

The soy bean growing area has increased and now covers at least 180,000 hectares, while this year sunflowers occupy lesser area, estimated at 170,000 and 180,000 hectares, Sakovic said.

There is also less sugar beet due to problems its producers had last year with sugar refineries, so relevant data have not been adjusted yet, but the area covers no more than 45-50000 hectares.

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Sakovic noted that sugar beet used to be sown on more than 60,000 hectares.

“All crop plants whose planting completed have been sown within the limits to which we are accustomed, with the exception of sugar beet, and with a normal year, they will all cover domestic needs and we will have certain surpluses for export,” he pointed out.

Source; SerbGov

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