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Protocol signed for greater involvement of women in business

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Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia President Marko Cadez and Association of Serbian Businesswomen President Sanja Popovic Pantic on Tuesday signed a protocol on cooperation towards implementing the Women in the Private Sector programme.

The protocol is aimed at providing assistance and support to companies planning to encourage greater involvement of women and contribute to gender equality at the workplace.

Mihajlovic, who also chairs the coordination body for gender equality, said after the signing of the protocol that the goal is to help women become more involved in business and to provide support to major companies in efforts to make plans and use the potential of women.

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Mihajlovic said that there are few women in the parliament, in the government and in business, as many women are still unemployed and economically dependent. “It is important that we all get involved and help those women find employment,” she said.

The programme, initiated by the World Bank, is implemented by a team comprised of officials of the coordination body for gender equality, the Ministry of Labour, the Association of Serbian Businesswomen, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and gender equality experts.

Source; SerbGov

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