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Veneto Region supports intensifying cooperation with Serbia

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Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic received the congratulations of President of the Italian region of Veneto Luca Zaia on the occasion of landslide victory achieved in the recent elections in Serbia, and expresses support for the objectives set by the government of Serbia.

Zaia said that he is confident that this great success can even more politically strengthen the Serbian government and enable Vucic to meet the objectives of international and internal policies in order to make the Republic of Serbia stronger and more prosperous.

Cooperation in the Adriatic and the Balkan region is one of the main pillars of international relations in the region Veneto, and I hope that in the coming years we will be able to strengthen our already very good relations with Serbia in the economic, social and political fields, which we discussed during my visit to Belgrade in November last year, he wrote.

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It is with great pleasure that I confirm our willingness to organise a presentation in Venice on the potentials of the Republic of Serbia and the entrepreneurial business world of the Veneto region, in order to intensify our trade and economic relations, Zaia wrote and wished Vucic success during his new mandate.

Source; Serbian Government

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