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Long-term GDP growth set as new government’s goal

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Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that the major tasks of the new government will be to get the fourth and fifth review of the arrangement with the International Monetary Fund, to implement the contract on the steel mill Zelezara Smederevo, and to solve the issue of the copper smelter RTB Bor.

In an interview with the Blic daily, he said that the arrangement with the IMF will mean that we are on the reform course and that we set a firm foundation for the economy, paving the way for its further development.

The Prime Minister said that a long-term goal is to ensure that by 2020 we can say that we have had an annual GDP growth, cumulatively, always over 2 or 3%, for six years in a row, which would mean that, thanks to the difficult reforms and the people that accepted and understood them, we have secured a golden age for Serbia.

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Vucic said that there will be at least six new ministers in the new government, adding it is still a question whether he will enter negotiations on a coalition with anyone.

Some people will continue to do their job, but many will not. Some worked well, others not, but it is always good to have new blood, he said.

Source; Serbian Government

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Serbia Energy News