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The Government is convinced that the Serbian steel is regular

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The Government of Serbia said that will fully cooperate with the European Commission in connection with an investigation for alleged dumping steel prices in Serbia,during exporting to the European Union.

The Government of Serbia”is familiar with the procedure, initiated on the complaint for the alleged dumping in steel exports in the EU, which was filed by Eurofer, European Steel Association, and will fully cooperate in resolving this issue with the European Commission,” was stated by the Government.

“We expect to get complete documentation from the Commission soon, with precise information on the basis of which we will prepare a response, in belief that producers from Serbia did not violate the anti-dumping rules,” the Government stated.

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In its statement the Government of Serbian expressed its confidence “that the European Commission will accept these arguments”.

Coincidentally or not, only a few days after the Chinese Hesteel officially took over Zelezara Smederevo, the EU authorities in Brussels have started an investigation against Serbia over the dumping price of steel. The anti-dumping procedure has been started for steel which was coming to the European Union from Brazil, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.

These mostly pertain to the Protocol 5 of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, more precisely, the administrative assistance in customs matters.

The subject of the investigation refers to the period from July 1, 2015 to June,30, 2016, when HPK Engineering managed the Zelezara Smederevo, headed by Peter Kamaras”stated in the paper.

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Serbia Energy News