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Tender for first radar system for hail protection to be announced soon

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Prime Minister Ana Brnabic visited Topola today, in which a state of emergency has been proclaimed because of the storm and hail, and on this occasion said that a tender will be announced in the coming days for the first radar system for hail protection in Serbia.

Brnabic recalled that the government decided at yesterday’s session to form a commission for the assessment and repair of damage, which will hold a meeting on 18 June to discuss how to address and prevent such weather disasters.

She noted that Serbia is not sufficiently covered with hail protection, and that there are several problems, the first of which is that there is no automatic hail protection system.

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Another problem, she said, is that there is no good enough regional cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Croatia when it comes to hail protection, and that needs to be changed.

The Prime Minister underlined that the Commission will assess the damage in all municipalities affected by the storm so all local self-governments can expect assistance for the clean-up of damage.

Source; Government of the Republic of Serbia

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