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Women Are Handed the Reins to Steer Serbia’s Monetary Policy

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Serbian lawmakers approved two women to become new vice governors at the central bank, creating a gender ratio unique in Europe in a team that sets the Balkan nation’s monetary policy.

Dragana Stanic and Ana Ivkovic were appointed Tuesday to join Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic’s team at the National Bank of Serbia, meaning women will hold three of the four seats on the executive board that sets the benchmark interest rate each month. The proportion eclipses that of women managing monetary institutions in developed economies, which ranges from 3.4 percent in Japan to 50.9 percent in Sweden, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“It’s not about meeting any quotas,” Tabakovic said in written response to Bloomberg questions. “The same as I believe it’s wrong to deny someone’s advancement just because she’s a woman, I consider it equally wrong to offer someone a chance just because she’s a woman.”

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Source; Bloomberg

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Serbia Energy News