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Societe Generale Serbia made profit before tax of RSD 7.27bn

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Societe Generale Bank Serbia made profit before tax of 7.27 billion dinars (61.5 million euros) at the end of the third quarter of 2018.

This is a growth of 21 percent compared to the same period of the last year.

At the end of the third quarter of 2018, total bank assets have reached 301 billion dinars (2.5 billion euro), 13.5 percent more than in the same period of the last year.

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Societe Generale Serbia has been achieving record business results in the last few years, resulting in its position of fourth largest bank by assets in local banking market, third by loans and fourth by total deposits. At the end of second quarter of this year, Societe Generale Bank Serbia was one of the banks with highest income growth rate on the local banking market, as well as second largest by profit.

“Our clients recognize Societe Generale Serbia as the bank that, apart from financial support, provides service tailored to the needs of every individual or business, which is the core of its strategy, reflected in the ambition to be the best bank in terms of relationship with the clients. Continious growth in the local banking market is a result of permanent growth both in retail loan volumes, which are higher by +27 percent in annual terms at the end of Q3 18 and corporate loan volumes, higher by 9 percent year on year, said Maria Rousseva, President of Executive Board of Societe Generale Serbia.

Societe Generale is the oldest bank with foreign capital on the domestic market, with a presence in Serbia since 1977, when it opened its representative office for corporate clients.

Source; B92

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