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Corridor 10’s southern arm completed in Serbia

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The southern arm of Corridor 10 on the route through Grdelica Ggorge was officially opened on Saturday.

The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, President Aleksandar Vucic, members of the Serbian government, and Chairman of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency Milorad Dodik.

The section through the Grdelica Gorge is 26.3 kilometers long and was the most demanding section on Corridor 10. It was completed after six years of struggle with nature, the construction of 36 bridges and the two longest tunnels, the Serbian government has announced.

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Brnabic said, speaking at the Predejane Loop, that she was “infinitely happy and proud of this venture.”

“Congratulations to all citizens of Serbia because this is for all citizens, this is a great, historic day. And symbolically, the day when we connect with the corridor with Europe, where our place is, she said noting that this day that should serve as a turning point for our country and people to finish things, to finish our projects, not to give up when it is the hardest,” the prime minister said.

Vucic pointed out that this route of Corridor 10 shows that “we can overcome all the difficulties.”

“This will be an opportunity for good transit traffic, but also for citizens to get to know their country – Vlasina Lake has never been closer. This highway is a symbol for how we can overcome obstacles,” the president said.

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He congratulated on the enormous success of all those who participated in the project, pointing out that the highway is not only important because of the beauty,but also for the investors who will come, both foreign and domestic, for saving money and lower transportation costs.

Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News