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IT exports have exceeded one billion euros – The Memorandum between Nutanix and The Government of Serbia is signed

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Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of the Republic of Serbia was signed yesterday at the newly opened premises of the software company Nutanix.

“This is as part of a dream come true. Because of this, as a government, we have initiated a whole transformation of the economy and society, so our economy is based on what can quickly bring us a competitive edge over everyone else not only in the region, but I hope also in Europe in general”, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on the occasion.

Serbia’s IT sector exports have already exceeded the 2018 result in the first ten months of this year. In the period from January to November this year, it amounted to 1.15 billion.

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She also said that in her opinion, the added value would then spread to other segments of society.

“This is where our greatest strength lies, and our greatest potential. We will continue to talk to people who can tell us how to be a Government that helps them do things like this in Serbia, and to spread them further”, the Prime Minister said.

According to her, there will be four science and technology parks in Serbia by the end of the government’s term. One already exists in Belgrade, and plans are also underway in Novi Sad, Nis and Cacak.

“We want to invest more than 100 million euros in infrastructure to encourage young people to start start-ups. To try, not to be afraid, to have all the conditions that the state can give them and to stay here”, Brnabic said.

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As one of the incentives for young people who want to start their business here, she cited an amended set of tax laws, which were enacted to make Serbia one of the most competitive in Europe. An example of this is the area of ​​investment in high technology R&D, where the profit tax on intellectual property created in Serbia is three percent. The Memorandum of Understanding between Nutanix and the Government of Serbia was signed by Deputy Director of the Government Office for IT and eGovernment, Zoran Misic, and Nutanix representative for Serbia, Ivan Vuckovic.

Part of Nutanix, one and a half years ago, is also Freim, one of Serbia’s most successful startups.

In the first phase, Belgrade employees will use about 1,550 square meters of office space. Next year, another part will be built, so that the total office space of Nutanix in Belgrade will be around 3,500 square meters.

“I’m very pleased, because exactly seven years ago, we started a frame in Nis, of two people. No one knew what the product was doing, and when I rewind the film from 2012 to 2019, I can’t help but be proud. In the meantime, The frame has grown to almost 100 people, and 18 months ago, through the acquisition, we joined Nutanix”, said Nikola Bozinovic, the founder of Frame and the general manager of desktop services at Nutanix.

As for the acquisition of Frame by Nutanix, he is pleased to say that this is “the most positive result possible” because when a larger firm buys a smaller one, it may disappear. This is how the companies merged, but Frame continued to work and develop.

“Belgrade has become the engineering hab for what Nutanix does all over Europe. Along with California and India, these are the three places where the whole Nutanix product is made. The base is, of course, in San Jose, California. Then there are Bangalore, and now Belgrade”, Bozinovic added.

He also referred to the cooperation of Nutanix and the Government of Serbia.

“We have been cooperating with the government for a year and a half. We had a meeting with Ana Brnabic, and Nutanix founder Diraj Pandey was there. By signing the memorandum, we are entering a new phase of cooperation. The state is investing more than ever before in Kragujevac. and we have a project to raise digital use in schools to a higher level”, Bozinovic said.

“As a founder who started the company seven years ago with virtually nothing, with the help of several people from Nis and with one idea on a sheet of paper, I am still at a stage where I have to get comfortable when I turn around. It is fascinating to me that I can see what the commitment of Nutanix in Serbia has brought in these 18 months”, Bozinovic said after signing the Memorandum.

He added that this also speaks to the potential that Serbia has, as they have found very good people who enable the mission of digital transformation of all companies and state institutions to be fulfilled.


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