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The entire economy depends on small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Serbia during the pandemic

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The entire economy depends not only on small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, but not only in Germany but also in Serbia, Srdjan Drobnjakovic, director of the Union of Employers of Serbia, tells eKapija.
– The work of hairdressers, restaurants, kiosks was abolished and they were left without bread overnight. We will see what the state will do. This is a situation where we all need to be as responsible as possible, and possibly extending the curfew would shorten the working day further – Drobnjakovic points out.
The Union of Employers of Serbia advocates that advances for income tax and VAT will not be charged on invoicing.
– In fact, there will be no profit, and it is our initiative that both the profit tax and the VAT be collected on payment – says Drobnjakovic.
According to him, the Employers’ Union also demanded lower interest rates on loans, as well as providing favorable refinancing loans to small and medium-sized ones.
Also, one of the requirements is for tax and contribution fees to be drastically reduced.
– It is a proposal of measures that we have sent together with the Chamber of Commerce with which we have excellent cooperation and communicate daily with the Crisis Staff in charge of economic issues.
He adds that big companies are also in the problem.
– Big businessmen are mostly related to production and have a request to defer payment of electricity and other obligations to public companies, primarily EPS and Serbia gas – concludes Drobnjakovi, eKapija reports.

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Serbia Energy News