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The National Bank of Serbia will do its utmost to keep the dinar exchange rate stable

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The Governor of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS), Jorgovanka Tabakovic, said that she could promise that the National Bank of Serbia would do its best to keep the dinar exchange rate stable and to preserve Serbia as a destination in which it is desirable to invest.
Jorgovanka Tabakovic, as a guest on the show Oko ekonomije on RTS, said that in January there were seasonal pressures on the exchange rate related to the supply of energy, but that the challenge was a pandemic and fear that blocks people from investing.
She pointed out that the pressure on the exchange rate in March and April had to be defended with reserves, and that one billion and two hundred million euros had been spent from the beginning of the year until the exchange rate was relatively stable.
She stated that Serbia’s reserves still amount to more than 11 billion.
The governor said that at a time when there was no summer, 500 million euros in cash were provided with one of the friendly countries, so that it would not happen that someone would come to the bank counter and not be able to withdraw the money that was invested. She added that another 300 million was provided just in case, because it is not known what will happen.
She also reminded that the reference interest rate was reduced three times and that it now amounts to 1.25 percent, which was directly transferred to interest rates on the money market and dinar loans used by citizens.
Speaking about the moratorium on loans, the governor said that she was trying to provide citizens with opportunities, and it was up to them to choose what suited them best.
He also says that he cannot believe that the bankers are unprepared because there was a fantastic cooperation with them at a time when the pension was supposed to reach every pensioner, when there was a ban on going out.
She also pointed out that there was a great response from the citizens when it comes to the previous moratorium, and that only those who do not want to accept the moratorium should address the bank, and in a way that is verifiable, Danas reports.

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Serbia Energy News