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The pledged property of the citizens of Serbia and companies weighs 84 billion euros

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The Business Registers Agency (APR) established the Register of Pledge on Movable Property and Rights for the first time in the country 15 years ago, which started operating on August 15, 2005.
At the moment, 181,912 active pledge rights are registered in the single central electronic database, and the total value of the secured claims amounts to 84.78 billion euros, the APR announced.
The existence of the Register of Pledge Rights, which contains an increasing number of constituted pledges, represents an economic benefit for all actors in the economy and the Serbian market, since the pledge creditor acquires security for his claims by registering pledges, with undoubted psychological effect, given that the creditor feels safer, and the debtor, ie the pledgor, feels greater responsibility towards the obligations he assumes with the contract, stated APR.
Since the beginning of the year, 6,405 pledge rights have been registered, on the basis of which receivables of 6,961,492,938 euros have been secured.
The contractual pledge, the basis of which is the contract concluded in accordance with the law, consists of 97 percent of the registered pledge rights. Judicial pledge rights created in the enforcement procedure, in accordance with the law that regulates the procedure of execution and security, make up two percent of the pledge rights, and legal pledge, created in the tax procedure, makes up 1.5 percent of the registered pledges. Among the pledge creditors, the most represented are banks, which make up 60 percent of creditors, other companies make up 13, the Tax Administration two, natural persons 1.4, and entrepreneurs 0.11 percent.
As of July 31 this year, the Notice Board of the Pledge Register has been established on the APR website, and access to notifications on the initiated settlement procedures and current out-of-court sales of pledged items has been provided in one place. Notices published on May 7 last year are available on the bulletin board.
During 2019, the regulations governing the work of the Pledge Registry were changed, which established a single legal framework for all collateral and created conditions for the transition to a fully digital mode of operation and online registration, which will be enabled in the third quarter of 2021.
Natural persons are registered as pledgers in 47% of cases, companies in 43%, while entrepreneurs appear as pledgers in 9% of cases.
The pledge right is acquired by registration in the Pledge Register, and the priority right of the creditor, who has registered his pledge right, is determined by the time of receipt of the registration application for registration of the pledge right in the Business Registers Agency.
All changes of data on the registered pledge right, records on the initiated settlement procedure, records of the dispute, as well as records of data on other facts and documents that are important for legal transactions, and which are related to the registered pledge, are entered in the Register.
All this information is available to the public on the Agency’s website, Dnevnik reports.

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