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Trade between Germany, Serbia reaches EUR 1.76 billion in first nine months of 2011

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The trade between Serbia and Germany until 31 September 2011 reached the value of EUR 1.76 billion, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology announced.

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In aforementioned period, Germany imported EUR 659.08 million worth of goods from Serbia, whereas its export to Serbia reached the value of EUR 1.101 billion in the same period. Therefore, Serbia’s current deficit amounts to EUR 441.97 million (EUR 558.52 in 2010) – reads a statement issued by the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce to Serbia.

Out of the top ten Serbian exporters to Germany, as many as five are companies founded in Serbia with German capital, said people at the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce to Serbia, adding that trade between the two countries in 2011 would most probably be bigger than in 2010, which had amounted to EUR 1.987 billion, as well as that Germany had become Serbia’s most important trade partner in that way.

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