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The revolt of the IT sector is destroying the Serbian economy with high taxes

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The Association for the Protection of Constitutionality and Legality (UZUZ) announced today that the initiative “Do not destroy IT” was launched after the announcement that it will start collecting taxes related to remittances from abroad, which primarily affect representatives of the IT sector, but also other persons with status “freelancer”.
The announcement of UZUZ states that together with the “Go-Change” team and representatives of the IT sector, an online petition was launched, and a comparative analysis was announced, as well as the formation of a negotiating team.
“It is primarily a branch that is the most promising and the only one to record growth even in the period of the pandemic. This is an unprecedented chance for the recovery of the Serbian economy. At the same time, it is obvious that there is no hearing and that outdated regulations are applied,” the statement added.
It is stated that in certain cases, some people will have to pay up to 80 percent of some income, which, according to the Association, pushes people either to work illegally, or to flee Serbia, or to establish companies in IT.
“Many countries are trying to encourage this area with reliefs and subsidies. In Serbia, the relationship is reduced to plucking, kicking and forcing IT jobs, while subsidies and money of Serbian citizens are forwarded to companies that employ cheap labor. People are offered in the Internet era a bright future for cable winding,” the statement said.
UZUZ pointed out that the IT sector is a chance for independent and free people to create additional value that will help the country’s economic recovery, but also to create a state of citizens who are not a burden, but the engine of a society, Beta reports.

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Serbia Energy News