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Serbia’s public debt is close to 26 billion euros

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President Aleksandar Vucic rejected the allegations of the leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice, Dragan Djilas, that the public debt of Serbia amounts to 50 billion, stating that the debt is close to 26 billion euros.
After the meeting with the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia, Gordan Grlic Radman, he told the journalists that the public friend of Serbia is under control.
Djilas said that the official debt of Serbia is 27 billion euros, and in fact 50.4 billion, because, as he stated, debts through various international agreements, agreements, publicly given guarantees of Serbia and what will come when they withdraw must be included. already so agreed funds.
As he stated, in total on this day, “everything that this government has signed and that has been officially announced publicly, and 90 percent is already in the budget, is 50.4 billion euros that the state of Serbia owes today, or will owe when those funds will be withdrawn.”
However, the president denied that, claiming that we do not have any problems.
“Serbian debt is certainly under control, we are doing well and we do not have any problems. As long as the public debt is below the Maastricht criteria of 60 percent – we have no problem.”
We are one of the most successful European countries in that regard, and we will be the most successful in terms of growth rate this year, Vucic emphasized, BizLife reports.

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