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In Serbia, inflation is within limits

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Short-term and medium-term inflation expectations of the financial sector and the economy, according to the results of the September survey, are within the target range – 3 plus / minus 1.5 percent, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) announced today.
Inflation expectations of the financial sector for the year ahead continued to move around the level of current inflation and, according to the results of the September survey, amounted to 2.0 percent, which is slightly lower than in August. The inflation expectations of the representatives of the economy for the year ahead are higher than in August and amount to 1.9 percent.
Medium-term inflation expectations in the financial sector are slightly higher than in the previous survey and amount to 2.6 percent, while the expectations of businessmen have increased to 1.8 percent.
The achieved anchoring of inflation expectations contributes to increasing the efficiency of monetary policy in maintaining low, stable and predictable inflation in the medium term, which is one of the necessary preconditions for sustainable economic growth, the NBS said in a statement, Danas reports.

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Serbia Energy News