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Serbia’s economy growth in third quarter is led by IT sector

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Operating income in the domestic non-financial business economy during the third quarter of 2020 was 1.2 million dollars, compared to 1.1 million dollars for the third quarter of 2020.
Compared to the second quarter of the current year, there was a 17.8% increase.
In the information and communication (ICT) sector, operating income was 7.7% higher year-on-year, or 4.5% year-on-year.
The largest growth, at 30% and 40%, is recorded by programming and consulting services, i.e. telecommunications.
Business expenditures in the non-financial business economy in the third quarter were 7.2% higher than the same period the previous year, or 14.4% year-on-year.
In the ICT sector, business expenditures were 9% higher than the same period the previous year.
Year-on-year growth has been registered in most services sectors, except in the areas of Transport and Storage, Accommodation and Nutrition and Other Services, Nova Ekonomija reports.

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