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The Association of Business Women of Serbia sent a proposal for urgent measures to the state leadership

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“The collected data show that not all sectors are equally affected, there are those who have had growth, so that, with the awareness that there should be solidarity, the Association proposes that only those who are existentially endangered and of good quality receive help in this wave,” it is said in the letter.
It is suggested that companies would prove their quality with a creditworthiness report, which should show that they have been operating positively for at least three years, have paid taxes and contributions and have not been convicted of economic crimes.
“The criterion for existential vulnerability would be that this year they had at least one third drop in sales in the period from March to December 2020 compared to the same period last year. For such selected companies, the Association currently proposes only one, urgent measure,” it is stated.
Urgent measures for micro, small and medium enterprises would be a subsidy in the amount of the minimum wage for workers on forced leave, unencumbered by the obligation to pay taxes and contributions, and it would be paid for the next three months.
The letter with this proposal was sent to the addresses of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Coordination Body for Gender Equality Zorana Mihajlovic, Ministers of Finance and Economy, Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
The Association of Business Women of Serbia is a representative association of women entrepreneurs with more than 900 members across the country, N1 reports.

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