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Business income of 940 million euros of a Serbian company – a step towards digitalization

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Nelt Group generated the planned consolidated revenue in the amount of 940 million euros in 2020. Nelt Group, a leader in providing state-of-the-art distribution and logistics services, employing 4,000 people in 15 companies in 11 markets in Southeast Europe and Africa, has been constantly investing in business development, application of new technologies and affirmation of employees for over 25 years.
“The year we are saying was a year of sacrifice for everyone in Nelt. Our supply chain has functioned continuously in all markets in which we operate and thus enabled the uninterrupted supply of key products to all consumers. We have stepped more significantly into the digitalization process, enabled greater efficiency of business processes and continued with investments. Based on company values, the transformation of the business continues in the desire to provide a long-term business perspective for Nelt and our business partners,” said Milos Jelic, CEO of Nelt Group.
During the year marked by Covid, Nelt provided all available measures for the protection and education of employees, taking into account primarily their health, but also the need for business continuity. By donating over 350,000 euros to health systems in the region, Nelt has sent a message that it is an honest and stable partner and support for the community in which it operates.
Through the creation and launch of the mobile application “Nelt Market” on the Serbian market, the leading position of the company in the distribution of consumer goods has been proven again. In collaboration with Principal Philip Morris International (PMI), a global pioneering project in the field of digital trade in tobacco products to retail has been launched.
Through the best results in the history of its business, Neoplanta confirmed its number one place in the meat industry, while Baby food factory fulfilled its goals with an achieved market share in the category of over 20%. Nelt, in cooperation with BFF, initiated and implemented two additional projects: the acquisition of the baby food brand Bebi, from Atlantic Group, whose production will continue in Belgrade and distribution in Russia, while in addition, a revolutionary health food product called Nutrino was created LAB, which can recently be found in stores throughout Belgrade.
The planned investments for 2021 amount to more than 10 million euros, primarily in the expansion of the first private Intermodal terminal in Dobanovci, but also in other environmental, technological and transport segments of all companies within the Nelt Group, BizLife reports.

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Serbia Energy News
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