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A more flexible employment system is being introduced in the Serbian public sector

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Today, the deputies of the Assembly of Serbia ended the debate in principle on the set of economic laws, and the session continues tomorrow at 10 am with a debate on the Draft Law on the Budget for 2021 in details.
Today, members of the Serbian Parliament began considering the Bill on the final account of the Serbian budget for 2019, and as the Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali explained, that year ended with a fiscal surplus of 111.6 million euros, and the share of public debt in GDP was 52 percent.
The total public debt amounted to 23 billion euros. The Minister of Finance explained that Serbia has had a budget surplus for four years and that this is the reason why Serbia was able to successfully cope with the pandemic.
Presenting the Law on Budget System, which is also before the deputies, Minister Mali said that the law defines the percentage of salary increase of five percent for medical workers and three percent for everyone else in the public sector.
“It is also very important that this law abandons the principle of controlling employment in the public sector and introduces a more flexible employment system, the only restriction is that the number of employees cannot exceed 70 percent of the number of those who left the company,” said Mali. In order to reduce the debt, he announced finding a strategic partner for Komercijana banka, and part of that money will be used to repay the old debt.
“If we return the loan to Azarbezejan for 2012, we will reduce the public debt by 0.4 percent,” said Mali, noting that by December 18, if the laws receive support, all pensioners will receive a one-time assistance of 45 euros.
Mali also said that he expects the deputies to give their consent for giving a guarantee to Unicredit Bank for 26.6 million euros for the construction of the Brzece-Mali Karaman ski resort, which should improve the tourism of Serbia.
Today, the deputies of the Assembly of Serbia continued their work by considering the accompanying laws of the Budget of Serbia for 2021.
The deputies are facing the Bill on the final account of the budget of Serbia for 2019, amendments to the law on the budget system and public debt.
The deputies will also consider the Bill on granting a guarantee to Serbia in favor of UniCredit Bank Srbija a.d. Belgrade on behalf of the Public Company “Ski Resorts of Serbia” for the construction of the gondola Brzece – Mali Karaman.
Amendments to the financial plan of the Republic Fund for Pension and Disability Insurance for 2020 are also on the agenda.
At this session, the deputies will also decide on the election of members and deputy members of the parliamentary committees, from the ranks of SPAS and three proposals of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians.
Previously, the Assembly conducted a general debate on the Budget of Serbia for 2021 and the accompanying laws.
As previously announced, the deputies will vote on the proposed laws on Thursday after the debate on the amendments, Danas reports.

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