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New contingent of aid in Serbia

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– It is about sector support for 72,500 employees in travel agencies, car rental companies, catering facilities and hotels. That additional financial support will mean employees in this sector who are most endangered due to the corona virus pandemic – stated the Minister of Finance.
As it is pointed out in the announcement of the Ministry of Finance, this is the sixth minimum that employees in these sectors in Serbia receive, which means that the state covered half of the business year in these companies by paying salaries.
The Minister pointed out that the Tax Administration published a list of 12,037 companies that exercised the right to state aid. The list includes companies in the field of catering and tourism.
– The money will be paid to the companies on special purpose accounts that the Treasury Administration opens for this purpose – he emphasized and added that the payment procedure has been simplified, so that only one arrival of an authorized person of the business entity in the competent branch of the Treasury Administration is needed.
The Minister reminded that previously paid subsidies to hoteliers in the amount of 350 euros per individual bed and 150 euros per accommodation unit, for which 10 million euros were set aside.
The Minister also said that the budget for next year envisages the allocation of 4.5 million euros for the distribution of vouchers for subsidized holidays in Serbia, and then it is quite clear that the state systematically and systematically covers sectoral problems in this area.
The Minister reminded that the total allocations of the state from the beginning of the year for the support of the economy will reach six billion euros and that this is one of the largest support packages in the region.
– At the end of next week, we will pay aid of 45 euros to pensioners, which clearly shows that our state is liquid at the end of the year, when many countries report exhausted resources, and that public finances are under control – said the Minister of Finance.
The Minister of Finance said that tourism in Serbia was most affected by the corona virus pandemic.
– But regardless of all the troubles that have befallen us, we have found potential in domestic tourism and tourist destinations in the country, which have experienced a real boom – said the Minister.
According to him, despite all the turbulence that has befallen both the world and the Serbian economy, our country will manage to achieve one of the best results in Europe when it comes to the economy and record a drop in GDP of only one or even less than one percent.
– In the conditions of economic and health crisis of this scale, that is a great result – the Minister concluded and provided assurances that conditions will be created for even greater and faster economic growth, preservation of jobs and living standards of the population, Srbija Danas reports.

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