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The first sections of the Moravian Corridor in Serbia will be completed in 2022

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Today, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic visited the works on the construction of the Moravian Corridor in the part of Pojate-Krusevac and announced that the first sections on that most modern highway will be finished in 2022.
Prime Minister Brnabic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic and Acting Director of the Corridor of Serbia, Aleksandar Antic, visited the works on the construction of the bridge over the Jovanovacka River and the railway, which will be almost 500 meters long, near Cicevac.
“In the budget for 2021, we have allocated 2.5 billion euros, which is 5.5 percent of GDP for capital infrastructure projects,” the Prime Minister stated.
The deadline for the completion of the bridge is one year, engineer Ivan Jovanovic, in charge of the bridges in the Bechtel-Enka consortium, told Tanjug.
He says that the works are mostly proceeding according to the planned dynamics, as well as that the construction of three more bridges will begin on Monday, one over the South Morava and two over the West Morava, reports Tanjug.
The construction of a camp for more than 1,500 workers on 20 hectares near Krusevac is in the final phase.
The Moravian Corridor – the highway from Pojat to Preljina, will be 112 kilometers long and will connect the area where more than half a million people live.
The works have started on the first section, from Pojat to Krusevac, which is 28 kilometers long.
The coronavirus epidemic has slowed down the implementation of some projects, but it is a great thing that none of them have been interrupted, the Prime Minister said.
She added that there were delays on some projects, but that efforts were being made to compensate for that, and that the projects would return to the established dynamics, Politika reports.

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