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Greece has allowed Serbian travel agencies to enter – co-operation continues

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Yesterday, the Minister of Tourism, Tatjana Matic, welcomed the decision of the Government of Greece to allow the entry of representatives, ie owners, of Serbian tourist agencies into the country in order to resolve the issue of paid tourist arrangements.
– With this decision, the Greek Government has shown understanding for the tourism sector in both countries, which needs recovery from the consequences of the pandemic crisis and solving the problems caused by the pandemic, and enabled successful cooperation in this area in the period ahead – said the Minister.
The ministry said in a statement that the decision confirmed the traditional friendship and good political relations between the two countries, but also the solidarity that is necessary both regionally and globally for a quick return to normalization in cross-border movements and economic cooperation.
The Minister reminded that the initiative on the basis of which this business visit will take place was initiated by the Ministry, and that the list of agencies was submitted in agreement with the Ambassador of Greece, George Giafotakis.
It was announced that the Minister had an insight into the proposal of Greece to the European Commission on the urgent establishment of a certificate on vaccination against the Covid-19 virus, which would enable free movement of citizens between EU countries, but also third countries.
The Minister expressed the expectation that the protocols that would guarantee safe and free cross-border functioning will soon be defined at the meeting of the EU Council on January 21.
This, as it is stated, will enable the unhindered development of tourist and other forms of economic exchange between Serbia and other European countries, Srbija Danas reports.

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