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Accelerated implementation of the Moravian Corridor project in Serbia

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The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirovic, stated today that the activities necessary for the Moravian Corridor project to be realized in accordance with the agreed dynamics and for the purpose of its faster construction have been harmonized.
At a meeting with representatives of the Bechtel Enka consortium led by President for Regional and Corporate Affairs Stuart E. Jones, Momirovic said that foreign workers were arriving, for which timely obtaining work visas was provided by an accelerated procedure.
“As for the issuance of building permits and expropriation, our ministry will work day and night to be realized by urgent procedure,” the minister said.
According to him, works on the construction of the bridge over the Jovanovacka river and the railway near Cicevac, which will be approximately 500 meters long, are currently being realized.
Momirovic also said that it will be the first digital highway in Serbia, since it will have the most modern telecommunication infrastructure along its entire length.
“The construction of this road will increase the accessibility to municipal centers, economic zones and tourist destinations,” he stated.
The Minister added that during the realization of this project, a total of 11 loops and 130 other facilities will be built, of which 71 bridges, 23 overpasses, five underpasses and 31 culverts, Novi Magazin reports.

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Serbia Energy News
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