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A trade agreement was signed between Serbia and the United Kingdom

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Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matic and the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Belgrade Shan McLeod signed the Agreement on Partnership, Trade and Cooperation between Serbia and the United Kingdom.
This agreement maintains the level of cooperation in all areas, as well as the degree of trade liberalization that existed until December 31, 2020, the Ministry of Trade announced today.
The agreement, signed on April 16 at the Palace of Serbia, sets a new legal basis for regulating bilateral trade, previously defined by the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their member states and Serbia.
Both sides expressed satisfaction with the successful completion of negotiations and the formal provision of continued successful cooperation in the political and economic spheres.
Minister Tatjana Matic pointed out that the Partnership, Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the United Kingdom maintains the level of cooperation in all areas, as well as the degree of trade liberalization that existed until December 31, 2020, Novosti reports.

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