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The Commission for Protection of Competition of Serbia fined Forten’s group because it did not receive approval to take over several Serbian companies

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The Commission for Protection of Competition of Serbia announced that Zagreb’s Forten Group did not receive approval to take over several companies, including Frikom, Dijamant, Mivela, PIK Vrkovec and Kikindski mlin, based in Serbia, which operated within Agrokor.
As it was announced, because the takeovers of 21 companies were not carried out in accordance with the Law on Protection of Competition, the Commission ordered Forten’s group, the successors of Agrokor, to pay 75 thousand euros to the account of the Serbian budget.
In 2019, the Commission initiated the procedure of examining the concentration conducted by the Forten group, although it was not approved.
The law stipulates that concentrations of market participants are allowed, unless they would significantly restrict, distort or prevent competition on the Serbian market, and especially if that restriction, distortion or prevention would be the result of creating or strengthening a dominant position, Danas reports.

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Serbia Energy News