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Serbia’s economic indicators in the first quarter of this year are better than expected

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The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, stated today that the economic indicators in the first quarter of this year are better than expected, but that this is by no means a reason to relax.

Today, she chaired the session of the Council for Coordination of Activities and Measures for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth, which analyzed the most important economic indicators in all economic areas in the first quarter and projections until the end of 2021.

It is estimated that the Serbian industry showed exceptional resilience during the pandemic, despite certain restrictions that are especially visible in the meat, starch and pastry industries, which is a consequence, as explained, of falling demand, the Serbian government said.

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As it was announced, good news is coming from the field of agriculture, because in the fruit sector, a large growth of production is expected, which could be measured with 2013, which was a record, and if there are no weather conditions, wheat will have an excellent yield.

When it comes to the world market, Serbian agricultural products have a significant chance, it was said at the session.

It is estimated that the trends in the economy are also stable, that in the sector of road and railway infrastructure the works are going according to plan, and on May 1 the works on the fast road Novi Sad-Ruma (Frushkogorski corridor) are expected to start.

In the energy sector, the realization of planned projects will begin this year, as well as in the field of environment, in cooperation with the Office for Public Investment Management.

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The line ministers also informed the Prime Minister that the problems that appear during the realization of the projects are being resolved on the ground and in the shortest possible time, it is stated in the announcement, Novi Magazin reports.

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Supported byClarion Energy
Serbia Energy News