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Why does Serbia borrow if it has over two billion euros in its account?

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Today, the president of the board of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SAA) for economy and finance, Dusan Nikezic, asked the government representatives, “if it is true that Serbia has over two billion euros in its account, why did they indebt the country for another 330 million euros in January and February alone?”

In a written statement, Nikezic stated that a proposal for a budget rebalance was submitted to the Assembly of Serbia, which envisages an additional increase in the public debt of 3.5 billion euros in 2021.

“It is clear that everything you promise today, you finance from borrowing and that the only economic policy of this regime is the policy of borrowing. That is why people in Serbia are not happy even today, while you spend money on expensive borrowing on their behalf, and they will be desperate when debts from over 50 billion euros will be collected,” stated Nikezic, Beta reports.

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