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The EBRD has secured a five million euro loan for energy efficiency in Serbia

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The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided a credit line of 5 million euros to finance investments that encourage energy efficiency of households in Serbia, it was announced today.
The loan is intended for investments in energy saving measures, such as insulation, windows, heat pumps, solar panels.
Citizens will also be entitled to a grant of up to 20 percent of the loan amount, which is financed by the European Union (EU), the EBRD said in a statement.
The EBRD provided a loan line in the amount of five million euros to ProCredit Bank, which joined the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) in Serbia.
Within the GEFF program for the Western Balkans, a total of 135 million euros has been allocated for financing, and the program is supported by the EU, the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, and is part of the Regional Energy Efficiency Program for the Western Balkans.
The goal of the program is for the region of the Western Balkans, which is known for its high energy intensity, to improve the energy efficiency of the housing sector, which is one of the largest consumers of energy, the EBRD announced.
EBRD Director in Serbia Matteo Colangeli said that GEFF has already helped more than 2,200 homeowners in Serbia improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
“We hope that this new credit line will reach even more households, and help them reduce energy consumption, which will also contribute to better air quality in their communities,” Colangeli said, Danas reports.

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