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In the first seven months of 2021, the demand for workers increased by 56 percent in Serbia

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The labor market in Serbia in the first seven months of this year, despite the situation with the coronavirus pandemic, experienced a real expansion because there was an increased demand for additional staff by 56 percent compared to 2020, and compared to 2019 by 30 percent, announced today the employment portal Poslovi Infostud.
In the first half of the year, according to the site, 36,573 job advertisements were published, which is 13,000 more opportunities than in the previous year.
Most of the ads were in the areas: trade and sales, IT, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, administration, but also in areas such as warehouses, catering, food preparation and construction.
The list of positions where it was easiest to get a job included salesmen, drivers, commercialists, telephone operators and administrative workers, and secondary education was required in as many as 60 percent of job advertisements.
At the same time, for those who have completed high school, college or master’s degree, almost 40% of the ads were intended.
As it is added, in the first seven months of this year, the total number of people who were looking for their first or new job through the site Poslovi Infostud reached the number of 173,342 candidates, which is an increase of 12 percent compared to the previous year.
When it comes to craft occupations, the deficit is growing from year to year, so there is still a greater supply on the market than the demand for jobs such as cook, waiter, hairdresser, car mechanic, driver, warehouseman, locksmith and carpenter.
Jobs are still mostly sought by people with more than 10 years of work experience, followed by those who have five to 10 years of work experience, and to a lesser extent by those without or up to a year of work experience, announced Poslovi Infostud, Danas reports.

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