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29 investment projects for the development of eastern Serbia

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The Regional Development Agency of Eastern Serbia (RARIS) announced that the investment portal of Eastern Serbia called Invest East Serbia has been launched, where 29 investment projects were presented, and the portal is available in Serbian, English and German.
The Invest East Serbia portal presented all the key facts, economic indicators, the largest investors as well as explained in detail the main advantages of doing business in our region, said RARIS Director Vladan Jeremic in a written statement forwarded to the media.
The portal is intended for potential investors who, as stated, “it is not crucial that it is on the highway and does not want to pay too much for land and its equipment, but wants a location with good roads, where there is still no great competition from foreign investors, skilled workers, with a large selection of local suppliers and where the local community will welcome you with open arms and treat you really fairly.”
Among the potential investment opportunities in Eastern Serbia are, among others, Gamzigradska and Nikolicevska Banja near Zajecar, Hotel Banjica and Rgoska Banja near Knjazevac, Chemical Park Prahovo in Negotin and others.
The founders of RARIS, as stated on their portal, are the cities and municipalities of Zajecar, Bor, Majdanpek, Kladovo, Boljevac, Knjazevac, Sokobanja and Negotin, the Regional Chamber of Commerce Zajecar, the Zajecar Road Company, the NGO Timok Club and the Zajecar Faculty of Management, Danas reports.

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