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Sutanovac: Export exceeds EUR 250 million annually

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Serbian Defence Minister Dragan Sutanovac stated Thursday that in the last three years the export of the Serbian defence industry exceeded EUR 250 million annually, adding that this year the figure will be even greater.

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“In the last four years, Serbia has penetrated foreign markets from Indonesia to Canada and the U.S.,” Sutanovac said, adding that the Ministry of Defence has invested considerable funds in the research and development of the military equipment.

During a visit to Prva Petoletka, a Serbian manufacturer of hydraulics and pneumatics located in Trstenik, central Serbia, Sutanovac noted that the defence industry employs around 10,000 people.

He underlined that the companies, which are important for the military industry, export over 90 percent of their products, while the Defence Ministry is helping by buying domestic products.

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