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Serbian Railways assets total EUR 2.4 million

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The Serbian Railways’ total assets are EUR 2.4 million, the Scientific-research Centre of the Economics Faculty in Belgrade have assessed.

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Expert team leader Vladan Bozic stated that the largest part of the company’s assets is in infrastructure, which cannot be subject to trade, and those include regional and local railways, main and international routes such as Corridor 10, Belgrade-Bar and Belgrade-Vrsac routes.

The Serbian Railways’ assets are being underused for commercial purposes, and the company may achieve full potential in cooperation with adequate partners, which would bring considerable income, he stated.

According to the latest issue of the Pruga (Railway) magazine, it was stated at the Serbian Railways General Assembly session that the estimated total capital increased by RSD 62.6 billion, and that revaluation reserves will total RSD 71.6 billion. Amortization of costs for 2011 will reduce by over RSD 1.19 billion, the report reads.

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