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The Serbian smart meter industry is one of the best in the world

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Domestic manufacturers of smart meters have been successfully meeting domestic needs for years, and the quality of the most modern devices produced in Serbia is recognized around the world.
“We have been successfully cooperating with Elektrodistribucija Srbije for 20 years. Smart meters, which are the product of our experts and are made in factories in Serbia and Republika Srpska, have proven to be an excellent solution in the modernization of our power system. In addition to the devices themselves, our industry also provides support to EPS in the field at all times, which is also extremely important for the stability of the Serbian power system. Our capacities are ready to satisfy the future needs of the development of Serbian energy,” says Nenad Nikolić, director of the company EWG.
Srdjan Tepavac, director of the company Sitel-Mikroelektronika, emphasizes: “We are constantly investing in development and innovation in order to keep pace with world trends in this industry. The technology we install does not become obsolete and our products have the potential for further development of functionality, which creates additional value for both consumers and distribution systems. The quality of our products is recognized globally – we export to the Western Balkans and the European Union, as well as other countries. Some of these projects are funded by international institutions such as the World Bank and the EBRD.”
Igor Vujicic, director of Meter & Control, adds: “As an industry, we are proud of the fact that Serbia is one of the few countries in the world that has as many as four manufacturers of smart meters. By engaging local resources, we contribute to the regional development of Serbia and affirm local experts. In the field of smart consumption management, we support the national efforts of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Energy in achieving the goals of energy transition, increasing energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions, as well as the integration of renewable energy sources. In the context of all the current turbulences and crises in the world energy market in terms of production and logistics, our companies represent a factor of stability and development of the domestic power industry.”
This industry will present its solutions to the public at the upcoming Energy Fair in Belgrade, which will be held from November 23 to 25, 2021, Kurir reports.

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Serbia Energy News