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Serbia’s public transport operator GSP Beograd seeks supplier of 180 city buses

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Belgrade’s public transport operator Gradsko Saobracajno Preduzece Beograd (GSP Beograd) has launched an invitation seeking the procurement of 180 new low-floor articulated city buses, the EBRD said in a statement. The purchase will be finance via the proceedings of an EBRD loan. The Bank said in July it was considering lending GSP Beograd up to EUR 65mn for the modernisation of part of its bus fleet. Firms from any country are now invited to respond to the procurement invitation by the October 18 deadline. Eligible bidders should have produced and delivered 400 buses in the past five years as a supplier in at least three contracts, worth a minimum of EUR 15mn each. Bidders should also demonstrate access to liquid assets of at least EUR 5mn other than advance payments under the contract. They should have as well generated average annual turnovers of over EUR 20mn in the past five years.

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The procured buses should be supplied within 30 weeks after the advance payment receipt. The EUR 65mn EBR loan would be used to finance the purchase of 280 low-floor busses and 120 new CNG buses (compressed natural gas-powered buses). The city of Belgrade and commercial banks will provide the remaining financing towards the EUR 130.5mn project. It aims to increase the urban transport’s energy efficiency by reducing CO2 emissions, and to keep the public transport share in Belgrade at a minimum of 55% despite the rise in private car ownership.

Source Balkans

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Serbia Energy News