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Serbia seeks to “strengthen friendship with economic ties”

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FM Ivan Mrkić is in Laos, where he agreed with the country’s top officials Serbia and Laos should “strengthen their friendship with economic cooperation”. Mrkić told Tanjug on Monday that the two countries have agreed to “complete several interstate agreements which will facilitate economic cooperation”, probably by July.

Mrkić met with Prime Minister of Laos Thongsing Thammavong and National Assembly Speaker Pany Yathotu. They agreed Serbia will send two delegations to Laos to examine the possibilities of Serbian companies taking part in major projects in the country.

On Saturday, Mrkić and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Laos Tonglun Sisulit signed a memorandum on understanding and cooperation between the two countries’ foreign ministries, creating room for further bilateral cooperation, especially in the construction sector.

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“Laos is flourishing and has one of the highest growth rates in Asia. It has been called the engine of the region, and between 2010 and 2020 the country will build 15 new hydropower plants which will supply electricity to the whole region,” said Mrkić.

He added that he and Laos officials also discussed the participation of Serbian construction companies in this project, noting that “there will probably be room for Serbia, which is known for its excellent engineers and solid construction sector.”

“We were received well everywhere we went. This is a country we have had diplomatic relations with for over 50 years and have maintained our friendship under different historical circumstances, which have not always been pleasant,” he said. Mrkić recalled Laos is one of the fastest growing economies in this part of the world, with annual growth exceeding eight percent.

Mrkić previously visited Myanmar, where he said securing jobs for Serbian companies in this part of Asia was one of the foreign policy priorities.

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He will continue his tour of South East Asia with stops in Cambodia and Vietnam before March 2.

According to an earlier release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the tour is an opportunity to strengthen the high-level political dialogue concerning the most important international and regional issues, seek further support for Serbia’s stands and policy, and analyze prospects for improvement of economic and other modes of cooperation.

Several bilateral agreements should be signed with host countries.

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