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Govt to improve investment climate in Serbia

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Serbian Minister of Economy Zeljko Sertic stated on Monday that the Serbian government is investing efforts in order to achieve macroeconomic stability, improve business conditions and enhance the investment climate.

At a plenary session to open the third session of the Serbia-Baden-Wurttemberg Joint Commission, Sertic said that cooperation with the German province bears special economic importance for Serbia because leading companies from Baden-Wurttemberg are operating with considerable success in the local market, such as the Daimler, Boss, Wuerth, Hugo Boss, DM, Dunken Motoren and Norma Group.

He underscored that Serbia is interested in launching similar activities with other companies from Baden-Wurttemberg in other areas as well, and added that the biggest interest in cooperation is present in machine building, metal processing and IT industry, electronics, construction and tool machine industry, as well as some other areas such as education, culture and tourism.

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With the efforts we are investing, we expect Serbia to assume a more important place on the investment map, and key factors that can contribute to the arrival of foreign investors to Serbia comprise low labour costs, proximity of European markets and benefits concerning the use of free customs export possibilities to the market of nearly one billion consumers, Sertic said as quoted in the release issued by the Ministry of Economy.

Minister for Bundesrat, Europe and International Affairs of Baden-Wurttemberg and co-chair of the Commission Peter Friedrich said that cooperation should also be deepened in the area of new technologies and transfer of knowledge and experiences.

He pointed to the importance of the decision which Bundesrat adopted several weeks ago, according to which Serbia has been qualified as a country of safe origin.

Baden-Wurttemberg is one of the most well-developed and biggest provinces in Europe and Serbia is one of the five countries from the South-East Europe region with which Baden-Wurttemberg regularly holds sessions of the Commission on the ministerial level.

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Source SerbGov

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Serbia Energy News