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Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and FYR Macedonia sign agreement lowering mobile roaming charges

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The ministers of telecommunications of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and (FYR) Macedonia have signed an agreement on lowering mobile roaming charges, reports Tanjug. This agreement provides for a gradual reduction in roaming prices in the states, with a view to bringing prices to the same level valid in the EU over the next three years. According to Serbia’s Minister for Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajic, three things still need to be done before the agreement can be implemented. The first is to define the exact dynamics of lowering the price of roaming services in the next three years, for which the competent coordinating body has a deadline of one month. Then, in the next month will be made regulatory changes in the national legislation of the states, and the third step is to talk with the mobile operators reports Telecom Paper.

Source Balkans

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