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A Serbian company is on the list of the top 10 innovations of The Scientist magazine

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The product of the domestic bioinformatics company Seven Bridges was on this year’s list of Top 10 innovations of the famous magazine The Scientist.
The mentioned magazine has been publishing articles and analyzes from various scientific fields since 1986, and in the last 12 years it has been awarding prizes for the most significant innovations.
This year, Seven Bridges’ GRAF platform was included in that list of innovations. It allows detailed secondary analysis of data obtained from genome sequencing.
To recall, a genome is a set of genes contained in a single haploid cell. Genes are located on chromosomal DNA and represent the linear arrangement of nucleotides in that DNA. Science has only managed to investigate genomes to some extent because it takes as a reference point a genome made on a small sample of individuals, mostly of European origin. However, humans carry many different genes. Seven Bridges has therefore developed a GRAF analysis platform that would include all possible iterations of genetic sequences. In addition, the company has provided scientific researchers with free access to its platform.
Seven Bridges was founded more than a decade ago. From then until today, it has constantly grown and become one of our most successful startups. Most of the engineers and programmers of this company are stationed in Belgrade, although it has recently expanded to Novi Sad, and some employees also work from Boston, BiF reports.

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