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A special law on renewable energy sources in Serbia is coming soon

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The Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, announced the preparation of a special law on renewable energy sources, given the great potential of Serbia in that area, according to the Government’s website.
In a statement for the Tanjug agency, Mihajlovic explained that the regulation on renewable energy sources is a complete novelty, because that area is now part of the Energy Law.
Serbia has a huge potential in biomass, geothermal sources and solar energy, but it has obviously not used it so far. With this law, we will try to create an environment for renewable energy sources to be used much more, she stated.
Mihajlovic stated that the current system of feed-in tariffs will be changed and that auctions for energy from renewable sources will be introduced.
She pointed out that special attention will be paid to cogeneration, ie the production of electricity and heat at the same time, because it is, above all, very efficient.
What is also a novelty is the formation of a large fund for energy efficiency, said Mihajlovic and added that the plan is to fill the fund with at least money from the budget, and much more from all other international funds.
Mihajlovic emphasized that the goal of forming that fund will be to reduce energy consumption, and added that the focus will be primarily on households, and not only on public, large buildings, where a lot can be done to increase energy efficiency.
The Deputy Prime Minister stated that in Serbia, on average, 40% of electricity and heat are “thrown away” because households do not have good doors, windows and wall insulation, eKapija reports.

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Serbia Energy News