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Agricultural production in Serbia is not endangered by the virus corona

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Agricultural production in Serbia has not stopped due to the virus corona, and there are enough foodstuffs and there will be enough of them, Serbian Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimovic said today.
“There is nothing in agricultural production because of the virus corona. At this point, it is most important for farmers to do their jobs”, Nedimovic told TV Prva.
He specified that everything is ready for the sowing of corn, that there are enough seeds, fuel, fertilizers, and that other types of agricultural work flow smoothly.
“There is enough flour. 90,000 kilograms goes to the Senta factory alone. Another plant sells 120,000 kilograms of flour, and with the third, we meet Serbia’s complete needs for flour”, Nedimovic said, adding that there was enough oil and salt.
He reiterated that the production of the yeast had started on Sunday, that the distribution for the bakeries was urinating tomorrow, and after two or three days it would be in stores.
“240 tons of yeast a week will be produced”, he said.
Speaking about the payment of subsidies to farmers, Nedimovic said that there were about 360,000 farms using subsidies per hectare and for fuel, of which about 200,000 farms used this right before restricting movement.
The others, he said, had already been paid into the account without filing a claim.
He also said that 70% alcohol was produced in sufficient quantities, and sodium hypochlorite as a recommended disinfectant from WHO, primarily for hospitals and other public services.
He specified that sodium hypochlorite is produced in a concentrate of 5,000 tonnes per day in the Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica and Sid water supply systems, which is sufficient for priority institutions for the whole country.
Nedimovic, who is also a member of the Economic Crisis Staff, confirmed that a genuine assistance program would be put in place that would focus on private companies and support those firms that did not lay off workers.
He said that the public would be informed in a timely manner, but said it was early to give details, stressing that everything needed to be done in detail.
“We will develop a complete strategy and you will be informed”, he said.
He also emphasized that the experience of experts who came to Serbia from China is valuable and that their recommendations will be implemented, Beta reports.

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Serbia Energy News