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Banks in Serbia earned less last year than in 2018

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Banks in Serbia earned 523 million euros last year and 60 million euros less than in 2018.
Momentum broker Nenad Grujanicic told Politika that last year’s result of the banks was reduced by one-time effects such as the cost of rehabilitating loans in Swiss money, as well as increased other expenses.
This is the reason why, in nominal terms, the return on the capital of the banking sector fell below 10 percent and was lower compared to previous years.
On the list of banks that operated with a profit, Intesa Bank maintained its leading position with earnings of 102.5 million euros. Komercijalna, Unicredit and AIK Bank follow, whose profits are similar to each other, and Raiffeisen Bank is in fifth place, writes Politika.
When looking at market shares, the consolidation of bank ownership has continued, so now the first ten banks occupy 85% of the market, while only a few years ago, those banks accounted for about 70% of the market.
There are currently 26 banks operating in Serbia.

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Serbia Energy News