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BH Telecom cuts roaming rates in Serbia, Slovenia

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Bosnian operator BH Telecom is introducing new roaming rates on the networks of Telenor Serbia and Telekom Slovenije from 01 March, promising customers savings up to 70 percent on voice and data services.

For partner networks in Zone 1 (Telenor Montenegro, Vipnet Croatia, Vip Mobile Serbia and Telenor Serbia), calls are charged BAM 1.58/minute, SMS cost BAM 0.26, and 1 MB of data traffic is charged BAM 5.29. For partner networks in Zone 2 (A1 Telecom Austria, Mobitel Bulgaria, Si.mobil Slovenia, Telekom Slovenije, Turkcell Turkey, Vip Operator Macedonia and Swisscom Switzerland), calls cost BAM 2.16/minute, SMS are charged BAM 0.34, and 1 MB of data traffic costs BAM 6.93.

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