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Cadez: New wave of investment in production announced

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President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Marko Cadez said Tuesday that investments in Serbia over the previous year and announcements of a new wave of investment in production were encouraging.

Speaking at the closing public debate on the new draft law on investment, which should appear before MPs in the parliament at the beginning of June, Cadez said that that its aim was to ensure as much investment in Serbia’s economy as possible.

“The new investment law is putting foreign and domestic investors on an equal footing, which has been one of the demands of the domestic economy and potential domestic investors. Investors, be they domestic or foreign ones, are seeking the lowest possible risk, highest possible stability and predictability of doing business, less administration and the most stimulating environment for investment and doing business,” said Cadez.

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The new draft law on investment has been made in line with international investment law standards – it is aimed at offering the best possible conditions to both foreign and domestic investors and guaranteeing freedom and legal security of their investments.

Source; SerbGov

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