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Cameron Munter becomes senior advisor at SBB

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The former USA ambassador to Serbia Cameron Munter (59) is returning to Belgrade but this time not as a diplomat but as an advisor at the SBB, a telecommunication company, Blic learns.

Munter left Belgrade in 2009. He then went to Iraq and later to Pakistan as the USA ambassador. However, due to disagreements over certain moves by American administration in that country, he ended his diplomatic career.

Jovana Lukic, Director of the SBB corporative communications confirmed to Blic that Munter started working as an advisor at the beginning of this year.

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‘As of January 21 this year Mr. Munter has been working as a senior advisor to the SBB-Telemah Group Board of Directors. This company has its business dealings in Slovenia, Bosnia and Serbia. He is not a member of the Board. Since he has huge business experience in the region we have engaged him’, Lukic says.

A considerable number of people in Serbia believe that Munter was perhaps one of the best USA ambassadors in Serbia. His two-year mandate was marked by the fact that Munter was the first American official who laid wreath on the monument to the victims of the NATO air strikes on Serbia, but also by jazz performances at which he was playing piano. Although during his mandate Kosovo proclaimed independence and although the USA Embassy was set on fire, Cameron Munter did everything he could to keep good relations between Serbia and the USA. He also took part in settlement of Miladin Kovacevic’s case and had outstanding relations with Serbian business people. He also spoke in favor of stronger economic cooperation between the two countries.

Munter played significant role in forming of the DS-SPS government after elections in 2008. That is why one can hear unofficial information that Munter shall work in Serbia also as an advisor to some of the leading political parties. His predecessor William Montgomery was advisor to the SNS during the latest election campaign.

Source Blic

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