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Croatia additionally liberalises trade with Serbia

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The Croatian government changed the act on the 2011 customs tariff at the final session before the December 4 elections, and thus enabled further liberalisation of trade with Serbia, which is connected to the Additional Protocol to the Agreement on the Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), the government released.

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In the period from 2007 to 2010, Croatia achieved positive results in the exchange of agricultural and food products with Serbia, and Croatia’s export of these products to Serbia totalled USD 94.2 mil in 2010, while its imports amounted to USD 69.9 million, Croatian Minister of Agriculture Petar Cobankovic stated.

The parliament also amended the Decision on housing of returnees – former tenancy rights holders, extending the deadline for submission of accommodation applications for another six months.

The aim of the deadline extension is to create all the necessary conditions for the return and permanent accommodation of persons who do not own a house or apartment.


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