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Digitization raises the sale of handicrafts in Serbia by 50 percent

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The realization of the project “Digitalization of Tradition” is expected to increase the sale of handicrafts by 10 to 50 percent, said Tatjana Matic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, at a gathering organized by the Ethno-Networks Association.
The association approved 8 thousand euros for the realization of this project, which includes trainings for the development of digital skills and placement over the Internet at the Competition for the development of the information society.
Matic said that “using the advantages of new technologies and encouraging women’s digital competencies in the countryside, contributes not only to improving the position of women and strengthening their economic independence, but also to the development of the entire domestic economy.”
– The pandemic crisis has confirmed to us that we should focus as much as possible on our specifics, on what is special for our culture and our identity. Domestic handicrafts, which in the past were mostly done by women, and which was considered a side activity, today offer much greater potential, both economic and tourist – she said.
During the project, the Association will also receive a website in English for the promotion and sale of handicrafts.
This year, the Ministry supported 27 associations with a total of 160 thousand euros for programs dedicated to improving the digital literacy of women in rural areas, raising the capacity of micro, small and medium enterprises, agricultural farms and entrepreneurs in the field of e-commerce and e-business, Kurir reports.

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Serbia Energy News