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Direct correlation between economic growth, EU integration

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The EU integration and Serbia’s economic rebound are two complementary processes given that the harmonization with the EU acquis leads to the improvement of business environment and encourages foreign investors, it was stated at the 14th Serbian Economic Summit.

Jadranka Joksimovic, Serbian minister without portfolio in charge of the EU integration, stated on Monday that all regional countries have it in common to view the living standard and creation of jobs as priority issues which, as she underlined, require serious systemic reforms.

The bills which will be passed soon will create a better business environment in Serbia and also be a step forward in the EU integration process, she said.

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Joksimovic said that the figures most clearly indicate the interdependence between the EU integration and economic growth, adding that since the signing of the Agreement on Stabilization and Association, Serbia’s export went up by 71 percent from EUR 4 billion in 2008 to EUR 6.9 billion in 2013, while the export-import ration increased from 40.4 percent to 72.25 percent in the respective period.

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michel Davenport stated that Serbia, with the help of the EU and commitment to reforms, can rise to the challenge it is facing at the moment and grow even stronger.

Serbia can count on the EU and its assistance in strengthening of the economy and improvement of the business environment, and the EU will be the greatest donor when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of the floods, Davenport said.

Source SerbGov

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Serbia Energy News